Be careful what you wish for, 2016, 50 editions. Collaboration with Steps to Recovery in Islington halfway house Imaginal pathways, 2017, acrylic and cotton thread on muslin, 250 x 130 cm (12 panels) at Conduit St, commissioned by Paul Van Zyl and curated by Adam Weymouth Installation shot at Conduit St, commissioned by Paul Van Zyl and curated by Adam Weymouth Details: Imaginal pathways, 2017, acrylic and cotton, 250 x 130 cm (12 panels) Imaginal, 2016, acrylic on paper, A3 Imaginal (diptych), 2016, acrylic on paper, A3 Details: Imaginal (diptych), 2016, acrylic on paper, A3 Hammock (public artwork), made on Beekeepers residency, Portugal , 2015 Neuro-hammock (triptych), 2015, watercolour on handmade paper, 30 x 30 cm Collection EL Following the fruit, 2015, watercolour, A4 Photographs in nature masks taken of artist on Beekeepers residency, Algarve, 2015