Cycles within cycles, 2024, oil, bleach, ink, frays on recycled linen, 50 x 50 cm

Enduring green, 2024, bleach, ink, oil, acrylic, glue, cotton on recycled linen, 110 x 76 cm

The dawn beneath my skin, 2024, oil, frays and embroidery thread and recycled linen, 66 x75 cm

Kissing vessels, 2023, oil, bleach, in and thread on recycled linen, 50 x 50 cm

Held by what we hold, 2023, oil, bleach, ink and thread on recycled linen, 50 x 50 cm

Fathomer, 2023, oil, ink, thread on linen, 30 x 25 cm

Cast in Cadmium, 2023, bleach, ink, oil on recycled linen, 50 x 40 cm

Awakening deadening mass, 2023, bleach, ink, oil on recycled linen cloth, 50 x 40 cm

Cast in Lilac, 2023, oil, bleach, thread, ink and burlap, 40 x 48 cm