Repair composition I, 2014, recycled linen

Repair composition II, III, IV, V, 2014, recycled linen

Repair composition I, 2014, recycled linen

Life is never completely sewn up (locust), 2014, cotton and copper, 250 x 130 cm (3 panels) Part of St. Moritz Art Masters programme

Life is never completely sewn up, 2014, cotton and copper, 250 x 130 cm (3 panels) Part of St. Moritz Art Masters programme

Detail: Life is never completely sewn up

Maps of repair, 2018, oil on recycled sacking linen, 30 x 20 cm

Detail shot for Waste exhibition at Horatio Jr: Artist overalls, 2014, cotton thread, ink, bleach and salt on overalls, VD